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Creative - Live! Cam Sync 2K QHD v3 Webcam



Be ready in an instant and be seen from your best side in full HD clarity! Creative Live! Cam Sync V3 is a plug-and-play 2K QHD webcam that delivers remarkably detailed and fluid images. With 4X digital zoom, you will be able to choose between a number o…
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Be ready in an instant and be seen from your best side in full HD clarity! Creative Live! Cam Sync V3 is a plug-and-play 2K QHD webcam that delivers remarkably detailed and fluid images. With 4X digital zoom, you will be able to choose between a number of zoom ranges that are best suited to your needs and surroundings.

Show a lot of your background by choosing a zoom range with optimal distance to suit a group of 4, or capture just yourself with a perfectly framed head-to-shoulder view for one-on-one conversations. This webcam comes with dual omni-directional microphones and is ideal for any setup, whether it's for web conferencing, an online interview, or just catching up with loved ones.

Simply plug it in and be ready to connect!

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Creative - Live! Cam Sync 2K QHD v3 Webcam

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