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Payot - Water Power Morning Mask 15 pcs



Morning Mask Water Power moisturizing sheet mask for dry skin. The mask gives you a wonderful and fragrant start to the day! The mask can be used for all skin types and provides a moisture boost beyond the usual. Bamboo extract is bursting with moisture …
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Morning Mask Water Power moisturizing sheet mask for dry skin. The mask gives you a wonderful and fragrant start to the day!

The mask can be used for all skin types and provides a moisture boost beyond the usual.

Bamboo extract is bursting with moisture and leaves skin hydrated and ready for another day.


Apply the sheet mask to clean, dry skin and leave for 15 minutes.

Remove the mask and massage excess product into the skin.

The mask contains serum, so you just need to use your day cream afterwards.

Key ingredients

Bamboo extract - provides moisture and radiance to the skin

Bergamot, white tea and musk - add a fresh and mild scent to the skin


Use the Payot Roselift Massage Tool while wearing the mask to get the full benefit - and then some.

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Payot - Water Power Morning Mask 15 pcs

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