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Light Fairytale Episode 2 - PlayStation 4

Light Fairytale is a turn-based Japanese-style RPG series set in a dying underground world ruled by an evil empire. The goal of this project is to bring back the immersion and emotion of 90's era JRPGs on current platforms with the expected evolution in …
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Light Fairytale is a turn-based Japanese-style RPG series set in a dying underground world ruled by an evil empire.

The goal of this project is to bring back the immersion and emotion of 90's era JRPGs on current platforms with the expected evolution in both design and technique.

Episode 2 resumes the adventure right after last episode's cliffhanger. Play as Haru and Ayaka as they uncover the mysteries of the cold 'Deeplands' while looking for a way to reunite with Kuroko, meeting with a mysterious silver haired girl along the way.

Notes about the Light Fairytale series
Each episode is a standalone game, approximately 2 to 3 hours long for a first play-through, double it for a full completion of all the achievements and secrets.


  • Classic turn-based battles that happen directly on the field.

  • Modern real-time 3D graphics.

  • Cute chibi characters.

  • Playable in English, French and Japanese.


  • Ayaka: A beautiful woman who likes taking care of the almost extinct 'flowers'.

  • Mysterious Girl: A cryptic, silver haired girl with fierce words and deeds hiding a fragile heart.

Upplýsingar um vöru

Tungumál á kápu
Þetta eru nýjustu upplýsingar frá framleiðanda. Ef þú hefur fleiri spurningar um tungumálavalkosti geturðu yfirleitt fundið upplýsingarnar á heimasíðu útgefanda.
  • Tungumál á kápu: Enska
  • Tungumál á kápu: Franska
  • Tungumál á kápu: Spænska
  • Tungumál á kápu: Ítalska
Tungumál í Tölvuleiknum
Þetta eru nýjustu upplýsingar frá framleiðanda. Ef þú hefur fleiri spurningar um tungumálavalkosti geturðu yfirleitt fundið upplýsingarnar á heimasíðu útgefanda.
  • Tungumál í Tölvuleiknum: Japanska
Þetta eru nýjustu upplýsingar frá framleiðanda. Ef þú hefur fleiri spurningar um tungumálavalkosti geturðu yfirleitt fundið upplýsingarnar á heimasíðu útgefanda.
  • Undirtexti: Enska
  • Undirtexti: Franska
  • Undirtexti: Japanska
SKU númer
Light Fairytale Episode 2
Auka upplýsingar
  • PEGI: 12+
PlayStation 4
USK á Disk
  • USK á Disk: 12+

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