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POCHER - Lamborghini Aventador LP700-4 Roadster Nero Nemesi (HK121F)



  • ce-marking
The power and prestige come from the iconic Lamborghini Aventador Roadster Nero Nemesis with Pocher 1:8 scale models. The omhyggeligt udformede replica fanger essensen af ​​Aventadors modige design, with a fantastic matsort finish, the udstråler sofistik…
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The power and prestige come from the iconic Lamborghini Aventador Roadster Nero Nemesis with Pocher 1:8 scale models. The omhyggeligt udformede replica fanger essensen af ​​Aventadors modige design, with a fantastic matsort finish, the udstråler sofistikering.

Oplev præcisionsteknik, mens du samler V12 engines, detailed interior and aerodynamic contours. 1:8 scales are mulighed for uninterrupted, high-quality scale and must-have for bathroom learning enthusiasm and nybegyndere in scale modeling.

With comprehensive instructions and material on high level, it can be used in the still-feeding and fornøjelig processes at the end of the year. Vis din færdige model has its own symbol and symbol for the dedication to the automobile and the close tilting of Lamborghini's design philosophy.

This passion for superbiler with Pocher 1:8 scale Lamborghini Aventador Roadster Nero Nemesis Model Kit – in the field of foreign images, the bringer spændingen ved the åbne vej til fingerspidserne. Best in this day, and asked to receive and rejse with the help of hand.

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POCHER - Lamborghini Aventador LP700-4 Roadster Nero Nemesi (HK121F)

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