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Earth Defense Force: World Brothers 2 (Import) - Nintendo Switch

EARTH DEFENSE FORCE: WORLD BROTHERS 2 tells the story of what happened to the voxel (cube) Earth after the events of the first installment. It cleverly introduces elements from Earth Defense Force 6 and features the Wing Diver Shooter, who didn’t make it…
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EARTH DEFENSE FORCE: WORLD BROTHERS 2 tells the story of what happened to the voxel (cube) Earth after the events of the first installment.
It cleverly introduces elements from Earth Defense Force 6 and features the Wing Diver Shooter, who didn’t make it into the previous game. This latest installment is filled with more love for the EDF series (and Earth!) than ever before!

With 100+ different Brothers and over a hundred missions, EDF: WB 2 still features 4-player team battles, plus plenty of extras that are sure to please longtime fans!

Brothers from all over the world reunite in the face of an unprecedented threat brought about by an all-new assassin that threatens to tear the Earth apart all over again.
In order to restore peace to the voxel Earth, the EDF has been dispatched for an emergency mission the likes of which no one has ever seen before!

Upplýsingar um vöru

SKU númer
Earth Defense Force: World Brothers 2 (Import)
Auka upplýsingar
Nintendo Switch

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