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Earth Defense Force: World Brothers (Import) - Nintendo Switch

A new battlefield appears in the EDF series. The setting is square Earth. Its a voxel world where everything is made of squares, including the Earth itself. However, something caused to peaceful Earth to break into pieces, whether it's round or square th…
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A new battlefield appears in the EDF series. The setting is square Earth. Its a voxel world where everything is made of squares, including the Earth itself. However, something caused to peaceful Earth to break into pieces, whether it's round or square this planet is undoubtedly Earth. And so the EDF is dispatched to go beyond worldlines to bring back the peace of the square world.

Can anybody survive on a devastated Earth? However, in the world of EDF, normal everyday people are the strongest beings. The devastated Earth is still alive and waiting to be rescued.

Different parts of the world become the game's stages floating in the space. And there are huge cliffs at the end of each stage.

Upplýsingar um vöru

SKU númer
Earth Defense Force: World Brothers (Import)
Auka upplýsingar
Nintendo Switch

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