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Kay Bojesen - Puffin 13,5 cm

Kay Bojesen's Puffin was hatched in 1954. With its spread wings and attractive shape, the Puffin quickly became a popular family toy. This range of wonderful wooden toys has a very special appeal for both children and adults and is a perfect gift idea fo…
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Kay Bojesen's Puffin was hatched in 1954. With its spread wings and attractive shape, the Puffin quickly became a popular family toy. This range of wonderful wooden toys has a very special appeal for both children and adults and is a perfect gift idea for christenings, birthdays, school leavers, anniversaries and weddings. A classic that will last a lifetime – from being a popular toy in the playroom to a much-loved design icon in a future home.

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Kay Bojesen - Puffin 13,5 cm
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