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Banshee Seasons 1 to 4 Complete Collection Blu-Ray

All 38 episodes from the first four seasons of the TV crime drama following an ex-con who assumes the identity of a sheriff in the fictional town of Banshee, Pennsylvania. Having served 15 years in prison following a diamond heist, the unnamed man posing…
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All 38 episodes from the first four seasons of the TV crime drama following an ex-con who assumes the identity of a sheriff in the fictional town of Banshee, Pennsylvania. Having served 15 years in prison following a diamond heist, the unnamed man posing as Sheriff Lucas Hood (Antony Starr) and his crime partner and ex-girlfriend Carrie (Ivana Milicevic) risk having their dark pasts and real identities publicly exposed by the threat of old enemies. Season 1 episodes are: 'Pilot', 'The Rave', 'Meet the New Boss', 'Half Deaf Is Better Than All Dead', 'The Kindred', 'Wicks', 'Behold a Pale Rider', 'We Shall Live Forever', 'Always the Cowboy' and 'A Mixture of Madness'. Season 2 episodes are: 'Little Fish', 'The Thunder Man', 'The Warrior Class', 'Bloodlines', 'The Truth About Unicorns', 'Armies of One', 'Ways to Bury a Man', 'Evil for Evil', 'Homecoming' and 'Bullets and Tears'. Season 3 episodes are: 'The Fire Trials', 'Snakes and Whatnot', 'A Fixer of Sorts', 'Real Life Is the Nightmare', 'Tribal', 'We Were All Someone Else Yesterday', 'You Can't Hide from the Dead', 'All the Wisdom I Got Left', 'Even God Doesn't Know What to Make of You' and 'We All Pay Eventually'. Season 4 episodes are: 'Something Out of the Bible', 'The Burden of Beauty', 'The Book of Job', 'Bloodletting', 'A Little Late to Grow a Pair', 'Only One Way a Dogfight Ends', 'Truths Other Than the Ones You Tell Yourself' and 'Requiem'.

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Banshee Seasons 1 to 4 Complete Collection Blu-Ray
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