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Bullyland - Disney Rapunzel (10 cm) (12424)



  • toys-warning-mark ce-marking
Rapunzel has spent most of her life locked in a tower. But that doesn't mean she's giving up - quite the contrary. The girl with the 20 meter long golden hair is an eager, inquisitive teenager who fills her days with art and books. Rapunzel is full of cu…
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Rapunzel has spent most of her life locked in a tower. But that doesn't mean she's giving up - quite the contrary. The girl with the 20 meter long golden hair is an eager, inquisitive teenager who fills her days with art and books. Rapunzel is full of curiosity about the world. Until now, she has always obeyed her mother Gothel and stayed in the tower to keep the magical powers of her hair a secret. But one day before her 18th birthday, she's had enough of this sheltered life and is ready for a big adventure.

The figure is approx. 10.6 cm high and is hand painted.

Recommended age: From 3 years.

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SKU númer
Bullyland - Disney Rapunzel (10 cm) (12424)

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