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Orchard - Giant Number - Puzzle (600306)

  • toys-warning-mark ce-marking
This is a fun and engaging way to learn the numbers from 1 to 20. Each number in the Giant Number Puzzle is made up of large pieces, making it easier for children to handle and assemble. Not only that, the set also includes cut-out numbers that can be us…
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This is a fun and engaging way to learn the numbers from 1 to 20. Each number in the Giant Number Puzzle is made up of large pieces, making it easier for children to handle and assemble. Not only that, the set also includes cut-out numbers that can be used with or without the puzzle for an interactive and versatile learning experience, and to further enhance the learning process, a learning guide is included with fun things to talk about, such as ‘can you find a pink pencil?’ and ‘what do bees do? Ages 3 years and up.

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SKU númer
Orchard - Giant Number - Puzzle (600306)

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