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Orchard - Smelly Wellies (600026)

  • toys-warning-mark ce-marking
A fun and simple game for children aged 2 to 6. Turn over the boot cards and find matching pairs for your monsters. The first player to fill their board wins the game. The game can be played in two ways, one easier and one more advanced. This means that …
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A fun and simple game for children aged 2 to 6. Turn over the boot cards and find matching pairs for your monsters. The first player to fill their board wins the game. The game can be played in two ways, one easier and one more advanced. This means that children of all ages can join in and play together, either matching pairs or as a more complicated memory game. The patterned boots can also be used to encourage children to identify the objects they see on them. And the colourful illustrations of crazy monsters are sure to amuse children. For 2-4 players. Ages 2-6 years.

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Orchard - Smelly Wellies (600026)

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