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mierEdu - 2x Giant Colouring Scroll - Princess



  • ce-marking
Open the giant colouring sticker roll scroll and stick it onto the wall to draw. The detailed 2x princess images let children immerse themselves in painting and exploring, which develops imagination and drawing ability. Suitable for a clean and dry wall.…
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Open the giant colouring sticker roll scroll and stick it onto the wall to draw.
The detailed 2x princess images let children immerse themselves in painting and exploring, which develops imagination and drawing ability.
Suitable for a clean and dry wall.
Can be attached more than once.

Product: 300 x 30,3 cm
Box: 30,3 x 3,9 x 3,9 cm
Age: 3-7 yrs

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mierEdu - 2x Giant Colouring Scroll - Princess

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