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Small Foot - Motor loop and abacus rainbow (I-SF11965)


Small Foot

  • ce-marking
Introducing the versatile Combined Activity Maze and Abacus from Small Foot! This vibrant activity maze, shaped like a rainbow and adorned in bright colors, offers hours of fun and learning. Not only is it a maze, but it also doubles as an abacus, ensuri…
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Introducing the versatile Combined Activity Maze and Abacus from Small Foot!

This vibrant activity maze, shaped like a rainbow and adorned in bright colors, offers hours of fun and learning. Not only is it a maze, but it also doubles as an abacus, ensuring it remains a cherished toy for years to come.

Perfect for engaging little ones in play while encouraging early numeracy skills, it helps them learn to count and grasp basic concepts of numbers and quantities. Additionally, this toy stimulates sensory exploration, shape recognition, color differentiation, and fine motor skills development.

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Small Foot - Motor loop and abacus rainbow (I-SF11965)

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