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Payot - Payot Source Moisturising Plumping Infusion 125 ml



Innihald (ml)
Payot Source Moisturizing Plumping Infusion is enriched with extract from i.a. figs, watermelon and algae, which all contribute to moisturizing the skin. First step in your skincare routine! An essence, like this one from PAYOT, prepares your skin to rec…
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Payot Source Moisturizing Plumping Infusion is enriched with extract from i.a. figs, watermelon and algae, which all contribute to moisturizing the skin.

First step in your skincare routine!

An essence, like this one from PAYOT, prepares your skin to receive serum and cream and helps the active ingredients to be absorbed much better into the skin.

The small cornflower leaves you can see in the bottle have an anti-inflammatory effect on the skin.

Key Ingredients:

  • Figs - adds moisture and helps to bind the moisture in the skin.

  • Watermelon - contains antioxidants and makes the skin more supple.

  • Algae - soothes and adds moisture.


  • Use daily morning and/or evening on clean, dry skin.

  • Distribute 3-4 drops in your palms and gently pat the product into the face and neck.

  • Then apply your usual serum and cream.

  • Tip: try putting it in the fridge and experience its refreshing and cooling properties!

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SKU númer
Payot - Payot Source Moisturising Plumping Infusion 125 ml
Innihald (ml)

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