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Gardena - GARDENA L-Joint 4.6 mm (3/16") - 4.6 mm (3/16")



  • Designed for effortless redirection of watering hoses
  • Ensures precise hydration for plants
  • Perfect for intricate garden layouts
  • Easy changing of direction for seamless integration
  • Ideal for precision and efficiency in gardening

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Transform your garden watering system with the GARDENA L-Joint 4.6 mm (3/16"). Designed for effortless redirection of your watering hoses, this essential accessory from Gardena ensures your plants get the hydration they need, exactly where they need it. Perfect for intricate garden layouts, the L-Joint's easy changing of direction feature allows for seamless integration into any garden setup. Ideal for those who value precision and efficiency in their gardening tools. Make your garden flourish with this indispensable addition to your gardening toolkit.

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Gardena - GARDENA L-Joint 4.6 mm (3/16") - 4.6 mm (3/16")

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