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Gardena - GARDENA combisystem Angle Broom



  • Versatile and efficient design perfect for maintaining pristine corners and hard-to-reach spots in the garden
  • Compatible with all GARDENA combisystem handles, including the recommended Telescopic Handle for tasks up to five meters high
  • Crafted from durable plastic with high-quality bristles for long-lasting performance
  • Compact design allows for easy maneuverability and effective cleaning
  • Integrated handle offers comfortable use without the need for an additional handle
  • Comes with a 25-year warranty upon registration for added peace of mind
  • Secure your tools in style with the combisystem Tool Rack Flex

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Discover the ultimate solution for maintaining pristine corners and hard-to-reach spots in your garden with the GARDENA combisystem Angle Broom. Designed for versatility and efficiency, this broom is a must-have for any gardening enthusiast. Its unique angle adjustment feature and compatibility with all GARDENA combisystem handles, including the recommended Telescopic Handle for tasks up to five meters high, ensure a comfortable and effective cleaning experience. Crafted from durable plastic with high-quality bristles, it promises long-lasting performance and exceptional cleaning results. The compact design allows for easy maneuverability, making it perfect for sweeping away cobwebs and debris from tight corners. For added convenience, the integrated handle offers comfortable use without the need for an additional handle. Secure your tools in style with the combisystem Tool Rack Flex, and enjoy peace of mind with a 25-year warranty upon registration. Elevate your gardening toolkit with the GARDENA combisystem Angle Broom and experience effortless cleaning in every corner of your outdoor space.

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Gardena - GARDENA combisystem Angle Broom

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