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Style 4 Ever - Make-up Studio (313)

  • ce-marking
A real professional make-up studio with a mirror. Create your own style with all the accessories included: eye shadows, lip gloss, blushes and different brushes. Take it anywhere! Includes: - 1 case with handle. - 1 mirror. - 2 gloss tubes. - 9 brushes. …
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A real professional make-up studio with a mirror. Create your own style with all the accessories included: eye shadows, lip gloss, blushes and different brushes. Take it anywhere!
- 1 case with handle
- 1 mirror
- 2 gloss tubes
- 9 brushes
- 10 lipsticks
- 5 lipstick tubes
- 3 blushes
- 10 eyeshadows
- 5 eyeshadows creams

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Style 4 Ever - Make-up Studio (313)

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