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SONAX Diesel System Clean 250ml



SONAX Diesel System Clean 250ml. Description. Prevents harmful deposits caused by corrosion and wear on diesel systems, especially on nozzle openings and nozzle needles.'. Innovative additives clean the entire Common Rail system. Advanced anti-oxidation …
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SONAX Diesel System Clean 250ml


Prevents harmful deposits caused by corrosion and wear on diesel systems, especially on nozzle openings and nozzle needles.'

Innovative additives clean the entire Common Rail system. Advanced anti-oxidation and bactericidal active substances increase the lubricating properties of the diesel oil and extend the life of the engine.

Sonax diesel system cleaner improves diesel injection, which leads to reduced fuel consumption.

Developed specifically for Common Rail diesel systems, but can also be used on other diesel systems.

Pour the entire contents of the bottle into the fuel tank before full refueling (40-60 litres).

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SONAX Diesel System Clean 250ml

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