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Scanpan - Impact 7.2L Súpupottur með Loki



Stainless steel soup pots for boiling soups, potatoes, pasta or vegetables. The edges of Impact products are designed to enable pouring from any angle without dripping. The thick base ensures excellent heat distribution. Suitable for use with all types o…
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Stainless steel soup pots for boiling soups, potatoes, pasta or vegetables. The edges of Impact products are designed to enable pouring from any angle without dripping. The thick base ensures excellent heat distribution. Suitable for use with all types of heat sources. Stainless steel is easy to maintain and stays beautiful for many years. Well-suited for serving. The entire Impact series features "cold" handles and pouring edges.

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Scanpan - Impact 7.2L Súpupottur með Loki
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