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Scanpan - Impact 1.8L Sósuketill með Loki



The Impact saucepan is made of stainless steel. It features practical measuring lines on the inside, combined with an elegant and simple design. The thick base is suitable for use with all heat sources. The easy to clean pot is dishwasher safe and ovenpr…
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The Impact saucepan is made of stainless steel. It features practical measuring lines on the inside, combined with an elegant and simple design. The thick base is suitable for use with all heat sources. The easy to clean pot is dishwasher safe and ovenproof up to 250°C. The large saucepan is equipped with an extra handle that makes it very easy to lift when full.

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SKU númer
Scanpan - Impact 1.8L Sósuketill með Loki
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Vöru Flokkur

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