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Scanpan - Impact 32cm Kokkurpanna með Loki



An Impact chef's pan serves the same function as a sauté pan. The only difference is that the chef's pan has two short handles, making it suitable as a serving pan. The edges of Impact products are designed to enable pouring from any angle without drippi…
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An Impact chef's pan serves the same function as a sauté pan. The only difference is that the chef's pan has two short handles, making it suitable as a serving pan. The edges of Impact products are designed to enable pouring from any angle without dripping. The Impact series is made of 18/10 stainless steel. Stainless steel is easy to clean and keep beautiful for many years.

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Scanpan - Impact 32cm Kokkurpanna með Loki
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Vöru Flokkur

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