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Tender Leaf - Otter Canal Boat - (TL8389)

  • ce-marking toys-warning-mark
Cute and detailed wooden playset, complete with canal boat, figures and interior. Meet the otter family who live on the river in a beautiful canal boat called “Mallardeau”, named after their favourite mallard duck, who sits proudly at the front at the Bo…
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Cute and detailed wooden playset, complete with canal boat, figures and interior.
Meet the otter family who live on the river in a beautiful canal boat called “Mallardeau”, named after their favourite mallard duck, who sits proudly at the front at the Bow end.
Check out the little fishing rod at the back, and the stripy straw that
doubles up as a chimney. Roof is removable and the cabin can be lifted out.
Content: Stove, matchbox drawer, jam jar lid table
with matchstick legs, 3 bottle top chairs, 3 knitted sleeping
bags, row of vegetables, fishing rod, flowerpot, coffee pot and jam pot.

Material: Wood
Product: 15,5 x 38 x 13 cm
Box: 38,5 x 19,8 x 14,2 cm
Age: 3-6 yrs

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SKU númer
Tender Leaf - Otter Canal Boat - (TL8389)

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