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iTotal - Pillow with millet seeds - Black Cat ()



  • ce-marking
The pillow with millet seeds quickly absorbs heat and cools down rapidly, preserving warmth for an extended period and releasing it slowly, evenly, and consistently to your body wherever you desire to use it. Ideal as a heat source, they help relax and r…
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The pillow with millet seeds quickly absorbs heat and cools down rapidly, preserving warmth for an extended period and releasing it slowly, evenly, and consistently to your body wherever you desire to use it. Ideal as a heat source, they help relax and relieve muscle tension. Filling: 100% natural. Millet seed filling.

USAGE: Heating: 90 sec/800 W microwave, 10 min/80 degrees circulation without preheating.

Material: 100% polyester.

Maintenance: The outer material or surface can be cleaned externally with a damp cloth.

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iTotal - Pillow with millet seeds - Black Cat ()
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