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Filibabba - Baby book - The forest - (FI-03315)



  • ce-marking
Let's discover all the little wonders of the forest! This cute baby book holds 18 pages with hand drawn illustrations. The thick cardboard pages are lightly coated, and can easily be wiped off after being held by small sticky fingers. The picture book is…
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Let's discover all the little wonders of the forest!
This cute baby book holds 18 pages with hand drawn illustrations. The thick cardboard pages are lightly coated, and can easily be wiped off after being held by small sticky fingers.
The picture book is completely without text so it can be enjoyed by everyone regardless of language.

The baby book is an ideal gift for the newest member of the family.
Recommended from +12 months.

My special features:
- 18 thick cardboard, easy-wipe off pages.
- 15x15 cm, the perfect size for small hands.
- No text - illustrations can be enjoyed by everyone.

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SKU númer
Filibabba - Baby book - The forest - (FI-03315)

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