Pantanir og stillingar

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Statera - Horsecare Stay Calm 800 g - (ST0343)



Stay Calm is a concentrated supplement for horses with a tendency to stress, nervousness and lack of focus. The content of Tryptophan, B vitamins, magnesium and carefully selected herbs contribute to a well-functioning regulation of stress hormones and h…
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Stay Calm is a concentrated supplement for horses with a tendency to stress, nervousness and lack of focus. The content of Tryptophan, B vitamins, magnesium and carefully selected herbs contribute to a well-functioning regulation of stress hormones and help the horse to have a balanced everyday life. Stay Calm is doping-free and may also be assigned to pregnant/lactating mares as well as foals and foals.

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SKU númer
Statera - Horsecare Stay Calm 800 g - (ST0343)

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