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Florence by Mills - Feed Your Soul Berry in Love Pore Mask 100ml

Feed Your Soul Berry in Love Pore Mask is a fruit-infused facial mask that cools and brightens the skin. The formula is packed with antioxidants that help protect against environmental stress and revitalize, soften, and visibly brighten the skin. Natural…
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Feed Your Soul Berry in Love Pore Mask is a fruit-infused facial mask that cools and brightens the skin. The formula is packed with antioxidants that help protect against environmental stress and revitalize, soften, and visibly brighten the skin. Natural astringent bark cleanses and minimizes visible pores. Suitable for all skin types.

Product Specifications:

  • Brightens and provides a clearer skin tone
  • Cleanses and refines pores
  • Refreshes, revitalizes, and soothes the skin
  • Contains a cocktail of antioxidant-rich fruits and berries such as blackberries, cranberries, blueberries, and blackcurrants, which help the skin combat early signs of environmental stress. Willow bark extract, which has a natural astringent effect, helps cleanse the skin. An extract from acai berries containing natural ellagic acid, combined with extracts from ginseng root as well as niacinamide, helps rejuvenate, moisturize, and visibly brighten the skin.

Usage: Apply an even layer to cleansed, dry skin. Leave on for 15 minutes and then rinse off with cold water.

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Florence by Mills - Feed Your Soul Berry in Love Pore Mask 100ml

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