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Ludi - Memory games for the bath - (LU40081)



  • ce-marking
2-in-1 game for the bath. A classic memory game gives the child the opportunity to develop the ability to observe and think. 24 pieces of waterproof foam that is soft and resistant with illustrations and a theme about the sea. The beige side is the memor…
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2-in-1 game for the bath

A classic memory game gives the child the opportunity to develop the ability to observe and think.

24 pieces of waterproof foam that is soft and resistant with illustrations and a theme about the sea.

The beige side is the memory game where you have to match pairs of animals.

The blue side is the puzzle where you have to put together the colored fish.

The rules are simple, you just have to put all pieces with the same color side down in the water.

The child turns over two pieces and if the pictures are identical or if the fish is the same color, the child wins the two pieces and must continue playing.

If the pictures are different, the pieces are put back in the water and it is the next person's turn.

The winning pieces can stick to the wall thanks to the material.

Age: +18 months
Material: 100% EVA

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Ludi - Memory games for the bath - (LU40081)

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