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Playmobil - Modern riding school (71637)



  • ce-marking
Big Horse Fun: Modern Riding School by PLAYMOBIL made from sustainable materials, featuring a movable lungeing plate, two PLAYMOBIL figures, a horse, and plenty of great riding accessories. In the Waterfall riding arena, you learn everything you need to…
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Big Horse Fun: Modern Riding School by PLAYMOBIL made from sustainable materials, featuring a movable lungeing plate, two PLAYMOBIL figures, a horse, and plenty of great riding accessories.

In the Waterfall riding arena, you learn everything you need to know about the correct handling of horses and various riding techniques! Riding instructor Owen is attached to the new lunging plate and the horse is put into the transparent rail to do real laps on the lunge line! Lunging, as riding pupil Zoe learns, promotes the horse's concentration and strengthens the bond between horse and rider. A wooden horse is available for exercises and the various riding techniques can be learnt thanks to the extensive equipment. Of course, Zoe's Knabstrupper also needs to be groomed and fed from time to time. Lessons in the Waterfall riding arena are never boring!

Fun fact: Riding instructor Owen takes over the Waterfall Ranch together with his husband Phil when the owner Muriel moves to Australia to be with her family.

All Horses of Waterfall playsets are made from over 80% recycled and bio-based materials on average.

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SKU númer
Playmobil - Modern riding school (71637)

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