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Við erum með verðábyrgð, þannig að ef þú finnur þessa vöru ódýrari einhvers staðar annars staðar geturðu haft samband við þjónustuver okkar um

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​Kay Bojesen - Songbird Flora Year Bird 2024 pink

Kay Bojesen's design icon The songbird has new plumage chosen by you. This year's Songbird 2024 is called Flora, As always, the Songbird of the Year is produced in a limited number of copies and is engraved with the year. It is a bit smaller than the cla…
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Kay Bojesen's design icon The songbird has new plumage chosen by you. This year's Songbird 2024 is called Flora,

As always, the Songbird of the Year is produced in a limited number of copies and is engraved with the year. It is a bit smaller than the classic Songbird, but just as charming. Jackie is made from FSC-certified beech wood, which guarantees that the trees for production are planted, grown and felled responsibly. And then it is processed and painted by hand with great precision and skill, just like all of Kay Bojesen's figures.
More about kay

  • The songbird was drawn by Kay Bojesen in the 1950’s and just like its colourful siblings, it has never been in production before.

  • Many give them as a gift for baptism, and let them follow the child through the years, until they establish their own home and get a flair for Danish design.

  • Please note: Wipe with a dry cloth. Should not be placed in direct sunlight.

  • Size: 13 cm

  • Material: Painted beech wood

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​Kay Bojesen - Songbird Flora Year Bird 2024 pink
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