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Super Mega Baseball 4 (Import) - PlayStation 5



Super Mega Baseball 4 is where the Legends play. The series’ signature combination of arcade-inspired style and immersive gameplay depth returns with more than 200 baseball Legends, 6 all-new stadiums, and a grand slam of presentation upgrades. Baseball …
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Super Mega Baseball 4 is where the Legends play.

The series’ signature combination of arcade-inspired style and immersive gameplay depth returns with more than 200 baseball Legends, 6 all-new stadiums, and a grand slam of presentation upgrades.

  • Baseball Legends - Over 200 former pro baseball players like John Franco, Ron Gant, and Robin Yount are getting Super Mega-fied into larger-than-life Legends and integrated across game modes alongside all your favorite Super Mega All-Stars. Play in a league of iconic Legends with teams organized by era, mix things up with Shuffle Draft, or play with 4 rotating Legends on each Pennant Race roster

  • Presentation Upgrades - Step up to the plate and feel every pitch with our massive presentation overhaul: All-Star character models have been refreshed, lighting has been updated, game cameras and cutscene animations have been overhauled, and audio has expanded and improved throughout the game. 6 new stadiums have also been added to the base game, for a total of 20

  • Community-Requested Features - Shuffle Draft is a new deckbuilding-inspired feature that lets players pick a combo of Legends and Super Mega All-Stars to create a unique roster. The conditional player trait system has been expanded into Team Chemistry & Expansive Traits (55 new traits, 75 total) to make roster-building deeper and more important than ever

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  • Undirtexti: Enska
  • Undirtexti: Japanska
SKU númer
Super Mega Baseball 4 (Import)
Auka upplýsingar
PlayStation 5

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