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Payot - My Payot Micro-exfoliating Essence 125 ml



Innihald (ml)
First step in your skin care routine - after the cleansing products! Advantage: This peeling gives your skin glow and radiance and very gently removes the dead skin cells. The effect of the subsequent skin care is also optimized. Can be used both morning…
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First step in your skin care routine - after the cleansing products!


  • This peeling gives your skin glow and radiance and very gently removes the dead skin cells.

  • The effect of the subsequent skin care is also optimized.

  • Can be used both morning and evening, but if used in the morning, sun protection must be applied.


  • Use My Payot micro-exfoliating essence after cleansing and immediately before serum and/or cream.

  • Distribute 3-4 drops in the palms of the hands and gently pat the product into the skin on the face and neck (avoid the eye area),

  • Then use a good serum and cream.

Key Ingredients:

  • Glycolic acid (2%) - gently removes dead skin cells and stimulates cell renewal

  • Acaï berry - creates balance in the skin and protects

  • Goji berries - boosts the skin's natural moisture content

  • Sweet orange - rich in vitamin C that protects against free radicals and gives the skin renewed glow and radiance

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SKU númer
Payot - My Payot Micro-exfoliating Essence 125 ml
Innihald (ml)

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