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Playmobil - JUNIOR: Everyday Heroes (71692)



  • ce-marking
WEE-OOO WEE-OOO, who's arriving at the scene? Is it the competent doctor, the brave firefighter, or the dutiful policeman? Or will the heroes work together to tackle their next challenge? With this set, your child dives into the adventurous world of emer…
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WEE-OOO WEE-OOO, who's arriving at the scene? Is it the competent doctor, the brave firefighter, or the dutiful policeman? Or will the heroes work together to tackle their next challenge? With this set, your child dives into the adventurous world of emergency responders. Is everyone ready when the emergency call comes in? The heroes quickly rush to the scene: the doctor hurries with her medical kit, the policeman secures the accident site and manages traffic, and the firefighter arrives just in time. Who helps the policeman adjust the traffic light correctly? How quickly does the firefighter reach the scene on his red motorcycle? What diagnosis does the doctor make? What daring mission awaits the brave heroes and your child next? Let your child tell a heroic story!

Special Product Features:

• Doctor with medical kit and ambulance with trailer hitch

• Policeman with warning sign and traffic light

• The traffic light can switch signals via a slider

• Firefighter with motorcycle

• The motorcycle can produce a revving sound with the yellow lever at the rear

• Dimensions of Traffic Light: approximately 1.8 x 1.8 x 4.5 inches (LxWxH)

• Dimensions of Vehicle: approximately 5.1 x 2.6 x 2.4 inches (LxWxH)

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SKU númer
Playmobil - JUNIOR: Everyday Heroes (71692)

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