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Craft Sensations - Colouring book A4 - Bohemian Vibes

  • ce-marking
Coloring book A4 - Bohemian Vibes, 20 sheets, 250 grams. Beautiful and attractive coloring book with foil on the front. 20 beautiful sheets, just to get lost in. The motifs are shown on the back. The sides are so thick that they can handle most pens with…
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Coloring book A4 - Bohemian Vibes, 20 sheets, 250 grams. Beautiful and attractive coloring book with foil on the front. 20 beautiful sheets, just to get lost in. The motifs are shown on the back. The sides are so thick that they can handle most pens without going through. A fantastic opportunity for immersion.

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Craft Sensations - Colouring book A4 - Bohemian Vibes
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