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AYTM - ORA outdoor lantern - Black - H58,4 cm



The ORA outdoor lanterns are designed to experiment with light and show you the way as night falls. The lanterns will cast light in two directions – a subtle gleam going backwards and a more focused ray shining forward, lighting up paths and terraces. Un…
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The ORA outdoor lanterns are designed to experiment with light and show you the way as night falls. The lanterns will cast light in two directions – a subtle gleam going backwards and a more focused ray shining forward, lighting up paths and terraces. Unlike ordinary lanterns, the ORA collection has been thoroughly developed to treat light in a new way, making outdoor spaces atmospheric and inviting to spend time in. Add your favourite candle by lifting the top of the lantern.

  • Size: Ø26,4 x H58,4 cm
  • Material: 60% Iron , 40% Glass

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AYTM - ORA outdoor lantern - Black - H58,4 cm
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