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Við erum með verðábyrgð, þannig að ef þú finnur þessa vöru ódýrari einhvers staðar annars staðar geturðu haft samband við þjónustuver okkar um

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Vitakraft - Vita Special Adult Rabbit 5x600gr - (bundle)



To ensure that picky animals are optimally cared for in every phase of their lives, the VITA® Special, which was developed by veterinarians, should be on the menu. Because with valuable ingredients such as easily digestible timothy hay, each food chunk c…
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To ensure that picky animals are optimally cared for in every phase of their lives, the VITA® Special, which was developed by veterinarians, should be on the menu. Because with valuable ingredients such as easily digestible timothy hay, each food chunk contains the full taste of nature - and at the same time all the important nutrients for a healthy and active life. Malnutrition can thus be specifically ruled out.

The adult version is ideally tailored to the needs of full-grown dwarf rabbits and convinces with a reduced calcium content and valuable omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. For healthy skin and a beautiful coat!

- For adult dwarf rabbits
- With a diverse selection of exquisite, delicious grasses and herbs
- Natural, prebiotic inulin promotes optimal digestion
- Valuable omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids promote healthy skin and coat.
- The reduced calcium content prevents urinary stone formation.
- Rich in raw fiber - supports the important tooth abrasion
- Odor Stop: Proven combination of active ingredients reduces odours
- With essential vitamins, minerals and trace elements.
- No added sugar
- Without the addition of artificial colors and preservatives
- Without artificial flavors
- Made in Germany

5 boxes of 600 grams

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Vitakraft - Vita Special Adult Rabbit 5x600gr - (bundle)
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