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Beauté Pacifique - Body Lotion for Dry Skin 200 ml.

Innihald (ml)
Beauté Pacifique Enriched Moisturising Body Lotion for dry skin provides relief for dry and damaged skin. This body lotion is a favourite of many leading European dermatologists, Contains a high dose of natural squalane and Vitamin A to treat and relieve…
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Beauté Pacifique Enriched Moisturising Body Lotion for dry skin provides relief for dry and damaged skin.

This body lotion is a favourite of many leading European dermatologists, Contains a high dose of natural squalane and Vitamin A to treat and relieve the severe dryness in conditions such as psoriasis and eczemas. Contains Liquorice Extract to soothe and reduce the symptoms of sunburned and irritated skin. Other ingredients include glycerine to penetrate the epidermis and leave skin soft and supple, and liquorice root extract to reduce discomfort and irritation, and allow the skin to accept strong reacting ingredients with fewer side effects. Clinically documented to elevate the moisture level by an average of 65% after just one month's use.

Beauté Pacifique

Beauté Pacifique is a Danish company that was founded in 1997 by former Novo engineers Flemming K. Christensen and Gunnar Svendsen.

The Beauté Pacifique consists of 50 products within the category of dermacosmetic or cosmeceuticals. Dermacosmetic means beauty care which always fulfils the cosmetic (directive) but the effect is close to the border between cosmetics and medical remedies. Beaute Pacifique products are designed for the face and the body and are suitable for both both young and mature skin. Beauté Pacifique's A-vitamin products reduce age degeneration, sun damage and stretch marks. As the only one of its kind the A-vitamin cream “Crème Métamorphique" is capable of penetrating to the lower parts of the skin. It is proven in an independent double blinded, placebo-controlled Danish study which was carried out by Professor Peter Bjerring at the dermatological department at Marselisborg Hospital. The study showed that the cream, after only five days treatment, can strengthen the skin's elastic fibrestruture.

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SKU númer
Beauté Pacifique - Body Lotion for Dry Skin 200 ml.
Innihald (ml)

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