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KORA Organics - Berry Bright Vitamin C Eye Cream 15 ml

Innihald (ml)
Delicious organic eye cream for a youthful complexion around the eyes. KORA Organics - Berry Bright Vitamin C Eye Cream works with the power of vitamin C, which counteracts signs of aging. It goes in and helps with a firmer complexion and gives a more y…
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Delicious organic eye cream for a youthful complexion around the eyes

KORA Organics - Berry Bright Vitamin C Eye Cream works with the power of vitamin C, which counteracts signs of aging. It goes in and helps with a firmer complexion and gives a more youthful look. In addition to vitamin C, there is organically certified kangaroo flower, persimmon, mulberry and red ginseng root, which are full of good antioxidants that smooth out lines and wrinkles and strengthen the skin's radiance.


  • Apply the eye cream morning and evening
  • Smooth gently under the eye and on the eyelid
  • Feel free to also use on the contours of the lips


  • Beautiful organic eye cream from KORA Organics
  • Counteracts signs of aging
  • Vitamin C
  • Gives a firmer complexion
  • Helps with youthful vision
  • Full of antioxidants
  • Smoothes lines

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KORA Organics - Berry Bright Vitamin C Eye Cream 15 ml
Innihald (ml)

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