Pirates and soldiers have been fighting a bitter battle for supremacy on the seas, for many years. The brave red rock soldier believes his precious treasure to be safe in the bastion, but a cunning pirate sets out to steal the chest with the gold. Luckil…
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Pirates and soldiers have been fighting a bitter battle for supremacy on the seas, for many years. The brave red rock soldier believes his precious treasure to be safe in the bastion, but a cunning pirate sets out to steal the chest with the gold. Luckily the small fortress is well secured with a detachable grid wall and a cannon with bullets. Will the pirate still succeed in stealing the treasure? PLAYMOBIL play boxes offer great fun on the road. All figures and accessories are stowed away in the box in no time at all and the practical carrying handle makes it easy to take the play set with you wherever you go.
Palymobil eru klassísk leikföng í góðum gæðum frá Þýskalandi
Míniheimur Playmobil örvar ímyndunarafl barna, sköpun og hugmyndir. Að skapa heim í kringum Playmobil vini sína, búa til persónur og senur, að ímynda sér hvernig þær myndu vinna saman og hvað gerist næst. Playmobil er frábært þegar börn leika sér ein eða þegar börn læra að leika saman og læra að deila hlutunum.
Playmobil fígúrurnar geta beygt sig, setið, staðið, og snúið höfðinu til að skapa raunverulegar stellingar.